The Healing Power of Love


There is a light in this world, a healing spirit

more powerful than any darkness we may encounter.

                                             Mother Teresa


Our country is hurting. We’ve come through a challenge to the very survival of our government, and we are more divided as a people than we have been in many decades.

At this time, it is easy to sit back and hope the politicians will fix what needs to be fixed, so our country can get back to a safer normal. Of course, they can’t fix what is in the hearts and minds of the people. And getting back to any former version of normal isn’t the answer, either, because it led us to where we are.

So, where do we go from here?

We begin with love. We ask love to guide us – not our human mind that has decided we are right and someone else is wrong - but love, which says to us, let’s get past the seeming differences and remember our kinship with one another.

As a country, we seem to have set love aside while we pursued political goals, but that focus has taken us further away from the better world we all want to create. Politics have pulled us into fear and even hatred of those who disagree with us. Is this the future we want?

Do we really want to continue living in a world of severe divisions of them and us, friends and enemies, you’re with me or you're against me?

Or do we, in our hearts, - whether we can see it as possible or not – do we truly want a world in which we live together peacefully and care about each other and find common ground on which to build supportive relationships and a true sense of community – even with others who are not like us, but who bring a new dimension to our lives?

If this is the future we want, we must begin in the present moment. We must let love guide us in all that we do.

Politicians cannot heal our country. The most they can do is to address national issues that provide the framework in which we live. We, the people, must take action in our daily lives to bring about the healing we so desperately need. Ultimately, it is up to us.

That may seem overwhelming, but each one of us already adds to the texture and the energy of our community. We now have an opportunity, if we choose, to play a bigger role. This can take the form of expanding our involvement in organizations that address local issues or working with friends to create a new project that supports our neighbors.

Equally important is the energy we bring with us when we go out in the community. Kindness is love in action, and right now, when hate and fear are so prevalent, the world needs love more than ever.

When going through our daily activities, let’s look for ways to expand the reach of our love. Whether passing someone on the street or sitting together in a waiting room, a kind greeting says, “I see you and wish you well.” It may also open the door to a conversation that will uplift both of us. That casual encounter adds more love into the world, and multiplied throughout the day, adds healing energy to our community.

We also have an opportunity to expand our reach and to include people who have not been part of our circle of friends. We can find ways to reach out to others of a different faith or lifestyle or even some who have different political views. We will find that we have so much more in common than the obvious difference that keep us apart. Let’s get past the barriers that enforce the idea of them and us, and let’s discover the common hopes and dreams that unite us.

Let’s not be overwhelmed by the challenges of this time. Let’s embrace them and ask, “What is mine to do?”

In your heart, you will know the answer. It may be to continue what you are doing, or perhaps there is an opportunity to take a different path. Whatever you are doing, power it with love, and you are a force for good in the world.

The choices we make now will determine the world that our children and grandchildren will live in. What do we want for them? Let's begin creating that world now.

We are not alone in this. Millions of people are making a personal commitment to live with love and bring healing to the world.

Together, we will all be part of the birth of the new world waiting to be born.


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We’re grateful that you are on this journey with us.

With love from our hearts to yours,

Pat and Larry

Pat is co-founder of Living with Kindness. Proud mother of two and grandmother of three, she is a writer with a background in social services, social justice and mediation.

One Comment

  1. Well put.
    Life can be so overwhelming. It is easy to get caught up in things we have no control over.
    When we accept we are part of a big community, change can happen. We see each person as an individual that deserves love and respect. No to be cast aside because of the assumptions of the differences between. Each interaction is an opportunity to acknowledge the worth of the person. One person at a time.

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